Saint Rita Catholic Church
St. Rita Deacon Lou Memorial Golf Classic
St Rita Parish Deacon Lou Memorial Golf Classic Saturday, September 8, 2018 The St Rita Deacon Lou Golf Classic was founded by Fred Beekman and Deacon Lou Reynoso in 1999. They were St Rita golf enthusiasts. "Deacon Lou" passed on December 17, 2014, but his spirit lives on with us at the tournament and in our parish life. They founded the tournament mainly for parish social activity as well as a fund-raising event to help the parish hall with its many needs and improvements. If you cannot golf this year, consider making a Tee Box donation for $100. You will get recognition on one of the holes with your name or business name on an 18 x 24 inch laser printed sign. All proceeds help us make improvements to our activity hall or cover repairs. Thank you Fred, Lou, golfers, sponsors, past chairs, and helpers for supporting the mission. "In the hole!"
Price includes
- Green fees with riding cart
- Buffet lunch and drinks at hall after the match
- Drinks and snacks on course
- Beef Franks at the turn
- Championship awards at the St Rita Activity Hall for winning team (2 flights)
- Award for most Accurate Drive (#1), Longest Drive (#9)
Games (optional, sign up at registration)
Skins game
- $20 per team, sign up at registration
Money Holes (fund-raisers)
- #8, "Closest to the Pin", Three winners | $5 p/player each round
- #4, "On The Green", One winner drawn from a hat at the hall for all who made it on the green
- 50/50 | at the hall | cash only
Ruth Park in University City
8:00am, Check-In starts at 7:00am
18 Holes | $ 240.00 per team | 4 man scramble
9 Holes | $180.00 per team | 4 man scramble
Tee Time:
Price :
Format :
Your gift says a lot about you and helps us make our tournament a better experience for the players. Please consider the options we have available. Your donation is applied to St Rita Parish. It helps us make the tournament experience enjoyable for the golfers and to help St Rita Parish keep their Church Hall and Activity room in tip top shape for all of their events!
All sponsors get mention on our
- Parish Website
- Facebook Page
- Tournament Program
- Visual at the Course
Tee Box Donation:
Cooler Sponsor:
Cart Sponsor:
18-Hole Groups | 2016
(1) Jim Beckerle - Mike Beckerle, Dan Birke, Bob
(2) Mark Reynoso - Phil Abegg, Paul Gremaud, Seve
(3) Darryl Houghton - Pat Hermann, Dave Herman,
Tim Pieper
(4) Tom Reynoso - Tyler Reynoso, Riley Reynoso,
(5) Rob Gardiner - Tom Wiegert, Ron and Ralph
(6) Bill Beekman - Michelle Block, Tony Block, Ed
(7) Mike Reynoso - John Sesti, Dave Rey, Ray
(8) Chris Gatewood - Geordi Delaney, Bo & John
(9) Rich Redel- Ken, Jim, John Grayem
(10) Jim Gremaud- Brian Gremaud, Mike Ebers, Mike
(11) Kelly Boys- Pete, Bob Jr, Tim, Matt
(12) Pete Loureiro - Scott Pierce, Mike Walters, Dave
$150.00 (exclusive, all drink coolers on course, about 4 coolers)
$200.00 (exclusive, 26 carts,)
Sponsors | 2016
*Hacienda Restaurant - Joan Sesti
*Mayana Kitchen (Clayton) - Joan Sesti
*Catholic Gifts and Books - Craig deGarcia
* J&A Property Management - Jim Beekman
* Frank & Helen Pizzeria - Becka Horvath
* John'S Butcher Shoppe - Mike Kolisch
* Ortmann Funeral Home - MIke Stipanovich
* Jumbo Sack - Mike Reynoso
* Blair Heating and Cooling - Charlie Blair
* Len's Auto - John Mertz
* County Credit Union- Dan DeGarcia
* Jammin J's Auto Repair- Doug
* Mike's Htg, Clg & Refrigeration- Mike Qualls
* Overland Shade- Sharon Pursley
* Azar Automotive- Jeremy
* Hollywood Motorcar- Ken Grayem
* HearInk- Judi Beckerle
* Pathways for Aging- Janet Horvath
* SmartBuy Homes- Tony Reynoso/Bob O'Leary
* Madison Avenue DeeJays
* Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions- Gary Rottler
* Allied Insurance Agencies
* Roscoe Electric
* Reynoso
* Webb
* Gremaud
* Boland/Cordia
Tournament Advisory Committee Anyone whom has ever golfed in this event.
(1) Mail a check to:
(2) Make Check payable to:
(3) Submit with payment:
Deacon Lou Golf, 8304 Madison Ave., Vinita Park, MO, 63114
St Rita Parish
a) playing 9 or 18 holes
b) Your contact information: Name, email, cell phone
c) Names of your team or foursome foursome and their emails
Contact: Tony Reynoso for Tee Box and Booster donations
Our event has sold out for the last three years. You can play 9 or 18 holes. Tee time is a shotgun start this year at 8:00am. Registration starts at 7:00am
Winners for
A Flight:
B Flight:
Poker game:
Closest to Pin
8th hole 50/50:
Closest to Pin
4th hole:
Longest Drive:
Tom Reynoso foursome
Pete Loureiro foursome
Tyler Reynoso $165
1. Ron "Bubbles" Gardiner, 4' 1"
2. "Sir" Richard Redel, 6' 2"
3. Vance "eek bleek" Lanig, 8' 4"
Seve Reynoso, 4' 2"
Josh Klause, 275 yds.