Saint Rita
Catholic Church
Parish News
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
All social gatherings are cancelled at St. Rita Parish until further notice.
Corona Virus Prayer (click here)
Archdiocesan Guidelines concerning the resumption of public Mass
Health Guidelines for returning to public Masses.
FAQs regarding returning to public Masses.
St. Rita Parish guideline for returning to  Mass.
Archdiocesan Catholic Appeal.
The ACA kick-off Sunday will be June 14. Be as generous as you can . St. Rita parish has traditionally been
a very strong supporter of the ACA. Pledge cards will be mailed to you or you can go to the ACA website.
Stations of the Cross - Overcoming Racism 1 & 2
Stations of the Cross - 3 & 4
Stations of the Cross - 5 & 6
Stations of the Cross - 7 & 8
Stations of the Cross - 9 & 10
Stations of the Cross - 11 & 12
Latin American Apostolate Annual Appeal- 2020
Stations of the Cross - 13 & 14