Saint Rita Catholic Church
Imagine at the age of sixteen seeing a silver moon with a small section incomplete. Well, it happened in the 12th century to a
young Belgian teenager named Juliana. Juliana tried to make the image stop coming back, but it wouldn't. She joined the
convent at Mount Cornillion. She also had a deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament; however, she never thought the images
were related to it. Then, one day, while deep in prayer, Juliana finally was told the meaning of the image by Jesus. He explained
that the moon was the ritual year of the Church, and the altered area meant something was incomplete. The missing part was
that there was not a feast to celebrate the Blessed Sacrament. God then gave Juliana three reasons why He wanted the feast
day. (1) The first was to strengthen the Catholic belief of the Eucharist. (2) Secondly, it would encourage people to be virtuous and
draw strength from the Sacrament. (3) Lastly, it would be a compensation for abuse and sacrilegious acts against the Eucharist.
A miracle occurred in 1263 at a town called Bolsena. During his journey to Rome, Father Peter of Prague, stopped in at Bolsena
to serve Mass. He was a Godly man, but he never truly understood that Christ was present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Blood began to seep from the Host as he was speaking the words of the Consecration over the tomb of St. Christina. The blood
went down his arms and on the altar. He was very confused, and he requested to leave Mass to see Pope Urban IV who was in a
town close by called Orvieto. The Pope listened and did research about the situation. The Pope considered this a great miracle
and created a papal bull starting the Feast of the Corpus Christi on September 8, 1264.
During the last 700 years, the Feast of the Corpus Christi has been celebrated throughout the world. The feast brings about
great joy and celebrations. It was originally observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. However, in 1970, it was changed to
the following Sunday for the United States and most of the world.
History of the Feast of Corpus Christi
June 18, 2017
St Rita Church
1:00 pm
A procession from St Rita, through our parish community in Vinita Park will proceed from the church to an altar
set up at Jim and Trudy Ulett's, then on to Joan and Lou Reynoso's house where another altar is set up. From
there we will proceed back to church to end the service.