Saint Rita
Catholic Church
Trivia Pics 2013
Bob and Bev (Buehrig) Hollis
Frank Kesselring          Mark Reynoso         Bob Baker
Jim LeFever    Jim Richmann  Susie (Beekman) Richmann
Pat & Betty Hermann
Dave & Joanne Hermann
Madonna Mryrzlack      Susie (Davis) Buzard            Pat Kemper    
Chris Myrzlack & friends
 Gremaud girls: Jeannie, Diane,
Susan with Christine Reynoso
Steve Bira  Jerry Weigert  Ginny Bira
Karen (Hermann) Lefever and her in-laws
Eddie Wiegert and Gary Rensing
Linda Benoist and Reggie (Gardiner) Reich
Verna Gremaud and Rich Redel
Dave Grace   and     Denny Khul
Laura (Hermann) and Tim Peiper
Trivia Master Tim Burke and mom, Teri
Linda and Rich Boedeker
Gary Rensing                            Fred Beekman

                               Karen Rensing
Mary    and    Jack Tevlin
       Holy Name Trivia Night Chairpersons

     Daryl  and Debbie (Hermann) Houghton
Saint Rita has the Spirit!
Laura Beniost and husband
Denny Scott                   Carol (Ulrich) Schroeder
Ginny Bira        Steve Bira      Nick Pfister
"Spirit Winners 2013"

New England Patriots
Bob   and   Bonny  Giovanni
Denny  Gale

"Servin' the suds"
"Spirit Winners for 2013"